Legal Marketing Evaluation - Kangaroo

Legal Marketing Evaluation

Law firms and solo practitioners must not only invest in marketing strategies but also assess their effectiveness rigorously. The question isn’t just whether lawyers need marketing; it’s about whether the marketing efforts are yielding the desired results and optimizing the return on investment (ROI). In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to understand the vital importance of evaluating legal marketing strategies. We will explore why assessments are essential, the key metrics that provide actionable insights, and the practical steps you can take to evaluate, refine, and enhance your legal marketing endeavors.

Why Evaluate Your Legal Marketing Strategies?

Before delving into the evaluation process, it’s essential to understand why assessing your legal marketing strategies is crucial:

  1. Optimizing ROI: Evaluations help you determine which marketing tactics are generating the best results. By identifying high-impact strategies, you can allocate your resources more effectively, maximizing your ROI.
  2. Course Correction: Regular evaluations allow you to identify underperforming areas and make necessary adjustments. This agile approach ensures that your marketing efforts remain aligned with your goals and adapt to changing market conditions.
  3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data-driven insights provide a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. This empowers you to make informed decisions and refine your marketing strategies for better outcomes.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Staying ahead of the competition is essential in the legal field. Evaluation helps you identify opportunities and threats in the market, allowing you to stay competitive and relevant.

Key Metrics for Legal Marketing Evaluation

To effectively evaluate your legal marketing strategies, you need to focus on key metrics that provide actionable insights. Here are some essential metrics to consider:

  1. Website Traffic and User Engagement:
    • Website Visitors: Monitor the number of visitors to your website.
    • Bounce Rate: Evaluate the percentage of visitors who leave your site without engaging with its content.
    • Average Session Duration: Measure how long visitors stay on your website, indicating their level of engagement.
  2. Conversion Rates:
    • Contact Form Submissions: Track the number of inquiries or leads generated through your website’s contact forms.
    • Phone Call Conversions: Monitor the number of phone calls received as a result of your marketing efforts.
    • Email Sign-Ups: Assess the growth of your email subscriber list.
  3. Content Performance:
    • Blog Post Engagement: Analyze the popularity of your blog posts in terms of views, shares, and comments.
    • Downloadable Resources: Measure the number of downloads for resources like eBooks, guides, or whitepapers.
    • Social Media Engagement: Evaluate your social media posts’ reach, likes, shares, and comments.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    • Keyword Rankings: Monitor your website’s performance in search engine results for targeted keywords.
    • Organic Traffic: Assess the volume of traffic generated through organic search results.
  5. Paid Advertising:
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measure the percentage of users who click on your paid ads.
    • Cost Per Click (CPC): Evaluate the cost of each click generated through paid advertising.
    • Conversion Rate: Calculate the percentage of users who take a desired action after clicking on a paid ad.
  6. Email Marketing:
    • Open Rate: Assess the percentage of recipients who open your marketing emails.
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measure the percentage of email recipients who click on links within your emails.
    • Unsubscribe Rate: Monitor the rate at which subscribers opt out of your email list.
  7. Client Retention:
    • Client Satisfaction Surveys: Gather feedback from current clients to assess their satisfaction levels.
    • Referral Rate: Measure the number of clients who refer your services to others.

Steps for Evaluating Legal Marketing Strategies

Now that you’re familiar with the essential metrics, let’s explore the steps to effectively evaluate your legal marketing strategies:

  1. Set Clear Goals:
    • Define specific, measurable, and time-bound marketing goals. These goals will serve as the foundation for your evaluation.
  2. Data Collection:
    • Implement tracking tools and analytics to collect data related to the key metrics mentioned earlier.
  3. Regular Reporting:
    • Create a schedule for regular reporting and analysis of your marketing data. Monthly or quarterly assessments are common.
  4. Benchmarking:
    • Compare your performance metrics against industry benchmarks to gain a deeper understanding of your standing within the legal field.
  5. Identify Successes and Failures:
    • Analyze the data to identify which marketing strategies are delivering the best results and which ones need improvement.
  6. Refine Your Strategies:
    • Based on your findings, adjust your marketing strategies. Allocate more resources to high-performing tactics and optimize or eliminate underperforming ones.
  7. Experiment and Innovate:
    • Don’t be afraid to try new approaches and technologies. Continual experimentation can lead to breakthroughs in your marketing efforts.
  8. Client Feedback:
    • Seek feedback from clients to understand their perspective on your marketing materials and overall experience.
  9. Competitor Analysis:
    • Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing in terms of marketing and adapt as necessary to maintain your competitive edge.


Evaluating your legal marketing strategies is not just a prudent business practice; it’s a necessity in today’s competitive landscape. Regular assessments empower you to optimize your marketing efforts, allocate resources effectively, and adapt to changing market dynamics. By focusing on key metrics, setting clear goals, and implementing a data-driven approach, you can ensure that your legal marketing strategies remain effective and continue to drive your practice’s growth and success. In a field where reputation and visibility are paramount, a well-informed and agile marketing strategy can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving.
